Thursday, June 24, 2010

Tips for Summer Walking

1. Wear comfortable walking shoes and socks. This does not include flip-flops or Crocs.

2. Make walking a family affair.

3. Encourage friends to walk. Find a walking buddy.

4. Eat a healthy snack before walking such as a piece of fruit or peanut butter sandwich for energy. Candy bars and energy drinks like Jolt are not recommended.

5. Bring a camera. You never know when it is a Kodak moment.

6. Wear sunscreen on a sunny day. SPF 30 or higher is best. Do not forget the ears, hairline, and lips.

7. Wear a hat with a brim.

8. Wear sunglasses.

9. Drink plenty of fluids such as water to stay hydrated.

10. Drink water prior to walking and during the walk. (at least 1 and ½ cups for a twenty minute walk)

11. Stretch your legs prior to walking. Focus on the calves, thighs (hamstring and quadriceps), and low back.

12. Swing your arms to maximize the workout.

13. Use good walking posture. Keep your head up and back straight.

14. Vary the route to keep from getting bored.

15. Stay on the walking paths.

16. Wear light colored or reflective clothes when walking in the dark.

17. Stay motivated and make goals. Reward yourself when a goal is achieved.

18. Use a pedometer to track your steps.

19. Start slowly (twenty minute walk) and gradually increase your time and pace.

20. Have fun!!!

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